主演:Sigmar Solbach Claudine Wilde 西格弗莱德·劳奇 Ralph Herforth 罗尔夫·霍帕 西格马尔·佐尔巴赫 ClaudineWilde
导演:Udo Witte
主演:ChristianKohlund ClaudineWilde
简介:Endless pristine beaches, crystal-blue water and never-ending sunshine: the goal of hotel manager Markus as he packs his bags for a relaxing holiday at the family-owned luxury hotel on the Seychelles. He also wants to catch up with his daughter Leonie who’s currently in job training at the resort.Leonie is good friends with Flo, a hotel maid who dreams of a career in the fashion world and devotes all of her spare time to designing extraordinary outfits. When Leonie discovers that the celebrated fashion designer Claus Carstens has made a reservation, she secretly stashes Flo’s sketches in his reception desk mailbox. But as it turns out, it’s not Claus but his son Wayne who arrives at the hotel.Unexpectedly, and without having any clue about each other’s background, Flo and Wayne fall in love.However, when Wayne learns that the mysterious sketches are from Flo, he becomes unsure…is she only using him to get ahead? He confronts Leonie, who desperately turns to Markus for help in straightening out the misunderstanding.Markus’ plans for a carefree, sun-soaked holiday are already being foiled by Helena. At first Helena insists that she’s the owner of the property on which the hotel stands. They soon determine that she had inherited an altogether different property from her late father… where he had built a home for children. That deeply disturbs Helena.Why had the father who she never met cared so much for other children, and not his own daughter? Together with Markus, she sets out to find the truth about the father she believes to be dead. Horst and Nora are causing quite a stir as well on the tropical island. The couple had dreamt of a romantic new beginning for their relationship on the sun-kissed island.......but then Oliver, Nora’s secret lover, unexpectedly shows up. It becomes a three-way tug of war, until Oliver and Horst wind up becoming buddies. Her world thrown into chaos, Nora is nearing a nervous breakdown. On such a beautiful tropical paradise though, tranquility is never far off…
主演:ErolSander AnicaDobra ClaudineWilde BrigitteKren
简介:讲述了丹尼尔博士是一个成功的脑外科医生,他即将和自己的生活伴侣阿拉纳搬到美国,在那里他接受了一份教授职位。但就在他们即将离开时,丹尼尔的哥哥卷入一场悲惨的摩托车事故而被带到医院救治,丹尼尔坚持领导操作。然而他的哥哥最终死在了手术室里,这带给了丹尼尔沉重的打击。由于无法接受哥哥的离世,丹尼尔在内疚之下做出了偏激的决定,他停止行医,甚至中断与阿拉纳的交往。他想逃避,因此需要离开柏林一段时间,去寻找教授亚历山大,一个与父亲一样的朋友,他住在萨尔茨堡附近的山区里。在那里,他见到了仪,高山诊所的继承人,和她的儿子弗雷德里克。在仪的父亲去世后,她就已经制定了医院的未来和目前的战斗计划,将其转换成保健及美容水疗医院。仪决心维持其运作,以患者康复护理医院为理想,她准备去争取她的成功。这一天仪见到丹尼尔她相信她找到了适合她医院的医生,但丹尼尔决定停止行医。另外阿拉纳似乎想要赢回他,并继续和他在美国对新生活的计划。丹尼尔并不想改变决定,但后来附近巴士发生的重大事故使得丹尼尔不得不挺身而出协助 - 小弗雷德里克的生命需要他拯救。为了摆脱沉重的压力,丹尼尔准备离开,弗雷德里克恳求他留下来,他突然明白了生命中真正想要的。在一个社区听证会上,丹尼尔突然到来,大声告诉台下的观众,他将担任阿尔卑斯山诊所医生。丹尼尔不仅在生活中找到了新的方向,而且还收获了仪这份意外的爱情。