主演:崔民秀 沈惠珍
简介:Tae-gyu and Ji-hye get married. Two young lovers dreamed of the ideal married life which each had respect for each other. But honeymoon is soon over as each comes to realize that the other isn't quite what they thought. The liberal woman would like to talk of sex with frankness and ease. The conservative man can't get rid of his traditional sense of superiority. They end up hurting each other and decide to get a (limited) divorce. Once apart, they each begin to feel empty without the other, and realized they need to make an effort to understand each other.
主演:崔民秀 沈惠珍
简介:Tae-gyu and Ji-hye get married. Two young lovers dreamed of the ideal married life which each had respect for each other. But honeymoon is soon over as each comes to realize that the other isn't quite what they thought. The liberal woman would like to talk of sex with frankness and ease. The conservative man can't get rid of his traditional sense of superiority. They end up hurting each other and decide to get a (limited) divorce. Once apart, they each begin to feel empty without the other, and realized they need to make an effort to understand each other.
主演:崔民秀 赵在铉 金宝京 李忠秀 纪柱峰 赵尚健 权海孝
简介:400年前、17世纪的朝鲜。在那个烽火连绵,硝烟四起的杀戮年代,人人无法掌握自己的命运。两个情同手足的男人反目成仇,一人成了刺客,一人成了武官,上演了一段惊心动魄、荡气回肠的故事。 光海末年,民间叛乱不断,朝鲜历史上最大的一次叛乱--仁祖反正也在此时爆发,许多朝中大臣接连遭到刺杀,为保护朝中要人,朝廷特别设立了一个名为清风明月的武馆。该武馆以最高标准训练武术高手,尤其精于剑术,可以说是独步天下。 清风明月武馆训练的第一批剑术高手中,最厉害的人有两个:奎叶和志焕。二人在练剑过程中结交,彼此赏识,进而成为好友,并誓死保卫珍贵的友情。志焕还给奎叶留下了一条亲手做的木鱼作为纪念。 可是,随着朝廷内部分裂,奎叶(赵在铉饰)在形势所迫之下归附于叛乱一方,伙同僧人金仁密(金甫劲饰)谋杀武术高手。很快,奎叶受命杀死自己的师父金印(崔尚康饰)和好友志焕(崔民秀饰)。没想到奎叶果真拔剑刺向志焕,并把他推落山崖。 五年后,叛乱者取得胜利,一手掌控了新立王朝,参加叛乱的人无一不获得高官重禄,奎叶也成为朝中名声大震的武官,彻底变得残酷冷血。 此时,江湖上突然出现了一名可怕的刺客,专门刺杀五年前参加叛乱的功臣。奎叶奉命追杀神秘杀手,却发现他神出鬼没,剑术相当高明,远超奎叶以前遇到的所有敌手。 直到有一天,又一名大臣被刺杀,奎叶赶到现场,发现尸体旁有一柄刻着清风明月四字的剑,原来这名凶犯就是他当年含泪杀害的好友志焕,他虽遇刺一剑又被推下悬崖,但却九死一生,杀回血泪人间……