主演:汤姆·格林 雷普·汤恩 玛莉莎·寇兰
简介:费迪一生的梦想就是自己的儿子高德能够出人头地,但高德不知是先天或后天的影响,他的好奇心以及天马行空的想象力并不亚于一个5岁的小孩,尽管他已经是个28岁的大小伙子,却总表现得像个不曾长大的孩子,这让费迪头痛不已。 费迪想尽办法将高德安排到奶酪厂工作,希望他会脚踏实地做点正常人做的东西,但高德只做了不到一天就回到家里,声称自己想当个漫画家,一定要辞掉奶酪厂的工作,并像以前一样搬回父母房子的地下室里搞他的创作。对此费迪哭笑不得,在他眼里,儿子是个就知道吃喝玩乐的家伙,他那些随手乱画的东西怎么可以当饭吃?于是费迪郑重其事地告诉儿子,他应该立刻结束这种游手好闲的生活,找一份稳定的工作,然后像个独立的大人一样从家里搬出去,可是高德又怎么会顺从父亲的心愿,父子俩就这样僵持下去......
主演:约翰尼·哈里斯 约瑟夫·戴浦西 山姆·基 强尼·哈瑞思 萨姆·凯雷 Kyle Soller Nicholas Pinnock 帕克·索耶
主演:约翰尼·哈里斯 约瑟夫·戴浦西 山姆·基利 索菲亚·波多拉
简介:时间已经过去了七年,外星怪兽已经冲破了禁区封锁,拓展到世界各地。人类不再处于地球食物链的顶端,不得不为生存而挣扎。为了保护美国的利益,很多士兵被派往了国外与外星怪兽作战,但取得这场战争的胜利希望渺茫。 诺亚是一名老兵,他新接到一项命令:深入怪兽的核心区去解救一名困在那里的美国大兵,然而这项任务遭遇意外,诺亚的通讯和运输都被切断,队友只剩下一个刚刚从军校毕业、毫无实战经验的小鬼——并且他的兄弟还是诺亚奉命杀害的。 在一名当地年轻女子的帮助下,这两名士兵展开了一场注定将改变他们人生的旅程。当三人抵达目的地时,他们发现在我们这个星球上的真正野兽也许并不是外星怪兽。
主演:罗伯特·席安 劳伦·索恰 伊万·瑞恩 鲁丝·内伽 内森·斯图尔特-贾瑞特 安东尼娅·托马斯
导演:汤姆·格林 汤姆·哈伯
主演:汤姆·格林 雷普·汤恩 玛莉莎·寇兰
简介:Gordon, 28, an aspiring animator, leaves his home in Oregon to sell his ideas to Hollywood. After being told, correctly, that they are quite possibly the most stupid ideas ever and that he needs to spend time rethinking them, he moves back home. But his father, never a kind man, escalates his mean treatment of his rather unconventional son. Meanwhile, Gord has fallen for Betty, an attractive doctor at the hospital where his friend is staying; she happens to use a wheelchair, and to delight in having her paralyzed legs beaten with a bamboo cane; her sexual aggression intimidates him. Gord's family goes to a psychiatrist, and he lies to her that his father molests Gord's brother, Freddy; Gord neglects to mention that Freddy is 25. Soon, Gordon has the house to himself, and comes up with a winning animated series, "Zebras in America" based on his own family. All this is really a framework on which Tom Green hangs his usual crazy stunts. Tom Green plays Gord Brody, a slacker who dreams of becoming an animator for cartoon shows. He is forced to move back in with his parents, but then refuses to leave. Along the way, he sexually pleasures various farm animals, licks open flesh wounds, accuses his father of molesting his brother, goes scuba diving in a toilet, plays an organ with several sausages attached to it which are suspended in midair, and does a bunch of other stuff that is too insane, offensive, disgusting, or weird to be mentioned here. 好食懶飛搞搞震,氣得父親“紮紮”跳 !電視搞笑高手湯格連自編自導自演處女作! 終日游手好閒,已經廿八歲了,一直夢想成為荷里活卡通片動畫大師的葛,終於有機會一嚐夢想的工作,但只是暫時性,跟著又跑去芝士工廠做無聊的工作。最後,葛決定回到家去,但父親占士則希望他能長大成熟點,搬離他們,像弟弟法迪般,找一份像樣的工作。葛與父親占士因此事展開父子大戰,葛想出不少古靈精怪的方法來氣父親,弄得占士七竅生煙,使人捧腹大笑……
主演:汤姆·格林 雷普·汤恩 玛莉莎·寇兰
简介:Gordon, 28, an aspiring animator, leaves his home in Oregon to sell his ideas to Hollywood. After being told, correctly, that they are quite possibly the most stupid ideas ever and that he needs to spend time rethinking them, he moves back home. But his father, never a kind man, escalates his mean treatment of his rather unconventional son. Meanwhile, Gord has fallen for Betty, an attractive doctor at the hospital where his friend is staying; she happens to use a wheelchair, and to delight in having her paralyzed legs beaten with a bamboo cane; her sexual aggression intimidates him. Gord's family goes to a psychiatrist, and he lies to her that his father molests Gord's brother, Freddy; Gord neglects to mention that Freddy is 25. Soon, Gordon has the house to himself, and comes up with a winning animated series, "Zebras in America" based on his own family. All this is really a framework on which Tom Green hangs his usual crazy stunts. Tom Green plays Gord Brody, a slacker who dreams of becoming an animator for cartoon shows. He is forced to move back in with his parents, but then refuses to leave. Along the way, he sexually pleasures various farm animals, licks open flesh wounds, accuses his father of molesting his brother, goes scuba diving in a toilet, plays an organ with several sausages attached to it which are suspended in midair, and does a bunch of other stuff that is too insane, offensive, disgusting, or weird to be mentioned here. 好食懶飛搞搞震,氣得父親“紮紮”跳 !電視搞笑高手湯格連自編自導自演處女作! 終日游手好閒,已經廿八歲了,一直夢想成為荷里活卡通片動畫大師的葛,終於有機會一嚐夢想的工作,但只是暫時性,跟著又跑去芝士工廠做無聊的工作。最後,葛決定回到家去,但父親占士則希望他能長大成熟點,搬離他們,像弟弟法迪般,找一份像樣的工作。葛與父親占士因此事展開父子大戰,葛想出不少古靈精怪的方法來氣父親,弄得占士七竅生煙,使人捧腹大笑……
主演:汤姆·格林 雷普·汤恩 玛莉莎·寇兰
简介:Gordon, 28, an aspiring animator, leaves his home in Oregon to sell his ideas to Hollywood. After being told, correctly, that they are quite possibly the most stupid ideas ever and that he needs to spend time rethinking them, he moves back home. But his father, never a kind man, escalates his mean treatment of his rather unconventional son. Meanwhile, Gord has fallen for Betty, an attractive doctor at the hospital where his friend is staying; she happens to use a wheelchair, and to delight in having her paralyzed legs beaten with a bamboo cane; her sexual aggression intimidates him. Gord's family goes to a psychiatrist, and he lies to her that his father molests Gord's brother, Freddy; Gord neglects to mention that Freddy is 25. Soon, Gordon has the house to himself, and comes up with a winning animated series, "Zebras in America" based on his own family. All this is really a framework on which Tom Green hangs his usual crazy stunts. Tom Green plays Gord Brody, a slacker who dreams of becoming an animator for cartoon shows. He is forced to move back in with his parents, but then refuses to leave. Along the way, he sexually pleasures various farm animals, licks open flesh wounds, accuses his father of molesting his brother, goes scuba diving in a toilet, plays an organ with several sausages attached to it which are suspended in midair, and does a bunch of other stuff that is too insane, offensive, disgusting, or weird to be mentioned here. 好食懶飛搞搞震,氣得父親“紮紮”跳 !電視搞笑高手湯格連自編自導自演處女作! 終日游手好閒,已經廿八歲了,一直夢想成為荷里活卡通片動畫大師的葛,終於有機會一嚐夢想的工作,但只是暫時性,跟著又跑去芝士工廠做無聊的工作。最後,葛決定回到家去,但父親占士則希望他能長大成熟點,搬離他們,像弟弟法迪般,找一份像樣的工作。葛與父親占士因此事展開父子大戰,葛想出不少古靈精怪的方法來氣父親,弄得占士七竅生煙,使人捧腹大笑……