主演:Klas-Gösta Olsson Anne Tubin Lennart Björklund
简介:1986年,瑞典国家健康与福利部委托导演罗伊·安德森就艾滋病题材拍摄一部教育影片,以便在学校和军队向学生和新兵传播艾滋病源头和防御的信息。但在电影拍摄期间,健康与福利部要求安德森终止该项目。原因是他们观看了已拍摄部分的素材,并对影片里信息的可靠性和拍摄风格提出了质疑。安德森并未遵循,而是凭几之力完成了该部电影。 关于艾滋病的起源,影片采用了阴谋论式的论调。在它的描述中,艾滋病病毒并非起源于非洲并由动物传播给人类,而是由美国科学家在实验室中创造出来,并随后应用于人体实验。今天,这部电影被看做是罗伊·安德森个人风格形成中的重要一步。
主演:威尔弗里德·布兰贝尔 Terry O'Sullivan Iain Munro Jeanne Doree
简介:In sepia tones, the film moves back and forth among three periods in Robert Tucker's life he's an old man, near death, in a nursing home at Christmas time; he's in middle age caring for his cheerful but dying mother; he's a lad at Catholic school, practicing his catechism, going to confession for the first time, receiving the Eucharist, surrounded by the singing of a children's choir. In middle age, he looks through his scrapbook of photographs of muscular men; he recalls lovers and his mother's cremation. A nurse sits beside him on his last night; in his last breath, he reaches forward and back..
主演:巴里·基奥恩 Dean Christie Grace Hogg-Robinson
导演:Jed Hart
简介:Jasmine, a young teenage girl on the run, is taken in by Shane, a showman who works on a travelling fairground passing through town. As an unorthodox bond between the pair builds, their combined quest to evade the past pushes both characters closer together, and in turn, closer to danger.
主演:弗拉迪姆·贾沃斯克 Ladislav Ondrej 琳达·莱波娃 Ester Geislerová Brad Heller 卡拉拉·伊莎娃
简介:冷漠的面孔,行进的人群,那一抹抹红色点缀着布拉格街头的寒冷,让温暖流淌在匆忙的交错过往之间。 车站自是离别伤感之所,身为道桥扳道员的父亲(Vladimír Javorský 饰)抱着儿子拉多(Ladislav Ondrej 饰)穿梭在离别的人群之中,看他们喜乐哀伤诀别亲人、诀别爱人、诀别曾留下足迹的城市。 父子俩的生活简单质朴,幸福却从未因家庭的不完整而有半点缺失。儿子祈求第二天去父亲的工作场所,谁曾想这却是一个改变很多人一生的约定…… 本片荣获2003年棕榈泉国际短片电影节最佳影片奖、2003美国温馨电影展(HeartLand Film Festival)水晶心奖。
主演:Ninita Bristow Edwin Carewe Virginia Mann Elinor O. Peterson Jean Thomas
导演:Frank Beal
简介:A dramatization of the methods in which young women are abducted or otherwise procured for prostitution.
主演:崔里拉 ???
简介:在一个可以提前知道分手的世界里,爱情可以改变什么样的形式?Jaeyoung 和 Soohyun 是通过 Destiny 的理想搭档相识的,Destiny 是一款被超过一半人口使用的约会应用程序。与刚开始的完美关系不同,随着我们进入第三年,争吵开始变得更加频繁。命运的推送警报为厌倦了频繁争吵的两人敲响了推送警报……<检查韩在英和金秀贤的保质期!> 确认警报后,在英和秀- hyeon在OK键前犹豫了,你会检查关系的有效期吗?你会做出怎样的选择? 如果我们能提前知道我们的分手日期,我们的关系会是什么样子? Jae-young 和 Soo-hyun 在一个名为 [Destiny] 的约会应用上配对。到他们关系的第三年,频繁的冲突开始动摇他们。当“你要查一下韩载英和金秀贤的关系到期日吗?”时,出现了[命运]关于这对精疲力竭的夫妻关系到期日的推送通知,载英和秀贤...
主演:Shizue Akiyama Seiichi Kato
简介:在一片普通的住宅区,生活着平凡的冈部一家四口。男主人冈部(山口勇 饰)是武藏人寿保险的销售员,但是他的业绩平平,收入自然稀薄可怜。结果家里破破烂烂,妻子(浪花友子 饰)儿女食不果腹,时而被房东追讨房租,时而又因儿子阿进(加藤清一 饰)惹祸而被别人的家长找上门来。不过冈部毫不气馁,因为只要他将富有的户田家拿下,他便可以摆脱贫穷的困境。 次日,冈部整装出发,到了户田家门口却发现敌对公司的销售员中村(关时男 饰)正在大拉业务。两人因此大打出手,结果热恼了女主人(明山静江 饰),最终被轰了出去。为了得到保单,这两个小人物想尽了一切办法……
简介:Guy Maddin writes, Tscherkassky has made two films cannibalizing Sidney J. Furie's 1982 Barbara Hershey horror film THE ENTITY, the story of a woman who is continually assaulted and raped either by real ghosts or by awfully adept repressed traumas… The screen literally explodes with a tumult of Hershey faces, shattering Steve Burum's original cinematography into shards of frightened eyes, trembling hands and violent outbursts of self-defense, presented in multiple exposures too layered to count, too arresting to ignore.
主演:Danièle Huillet Jean-Marie Straub
导演:Pedro Costa Thierry Lounas
简介:Six unused scenes from WHERE LIES YOUR HIDDEN SMILE One of the more priceless of the bagatelles in this collection features a lounging Jean-Marie Straub who gives a non-stop disquisition on liberty and filmmaking while Danièle Huillet busies herself with laundry, and their dog Melchior frisks in and out of frame.
主演:Sari Akasaka Kyoko Hanyu
简介:Experimental short film depicting the life, perhaps real, perhaps a dream, of a young girl named Emi. Emi travels to the city where she encounters her counterpart, Sari, and falls in love with...a vampire